Gratitude Is More Than You Think
Good or bad. Happy or sad. You are the person who ascribes meaning to your experiences.
A great deal of your “past” is likely in the gap. Gratitude allows you to re-remember your past while focusing entirely on the gain. When you re-contextualise your history, you’ll never be the victim of your past again.
Your past does not need to be something you are the victim of. Instead, your past can be something that continually inspires you and propels you forward.
So, try choosing to remember the gain, not the gap. Decide how you want to remember your experiences. Your past is whatever you ascribe meaning to. You can either remember the gains or the pain.
Post-traumatic growth is the opposite of PTSD. You could have any negative experience imaginable and learn from it. This may take time, but if you are conscious of your emotions and future, you can turn any negative experience into many gains.
Your painful experiences become the doorway to growth, understanding, and service to others dealing with similar problems.
Your biggest failures can lead you to success.
Transform Your Present Circumstances
Very rarely are you going to be in ideal circumstances. There will always be friction and challenges to living your dreams. There will always be inconveniences.
The problem isn’t your circumstances, but how you look at them. Perfect circumstances are not ideal. If you look at nature, plants and animals thrive despite difficult circumstances.
You don’t want perfect circumstances. You want and need the challenge to grow. But circumstances, particularly your current circumstances, require to be reframed. If you’re willing to pay attention to your circumstances, you should consciously focus on the good in them.
Have gratitude for the amazing people in your life, the opportunities you currently have, and the chance to live on this beautiful planet. If you’re reading this article, you have access to resources that would have blown most people’s minds throughout human history.
So, as challenging and limiting as your current circumstances may be, you’re probably living in the gap. And when you live in the gap, it doesn’t matter what you have. You won’t see it that way.
You could be a billionaire, but it will never be enough if you’re in the gap.
So, part one of transforming the present is appreciating it. It’s not about your resources, but about how resourceful you are.
There are people with far less doing far more with what they have than you are. It’s not your circumstances. It’s you.
But if there’s a problem with circumstances, you’re far better off focusing on your capability.
This is a powerful shift.
You’ll find plenty to complain about if you focus on your circumstances. But if you focus on your capability, your only option is to get moving. Your ability is always above your circumstances. You can always change your life and move in the direction you want.
Having gratitude for the opportunity to grow and move forward is how you change your present. You see all the beauty in what you have and recognise your incredible power to improve upon what you have.
This is a powerful way to live. Have gratitude for the present and appreciation for what you can do. This allows you to create a powerful future.
Transform Your Future Right Here-And-Now
You are the designer of your memories, your present experience, and your future.
Visualisation is far more powerful when it is mental and emotional. It will be easier to believe and know if the visualisation is dynamic and embodied. American novelist, Florence Shinn, has said:”Faith knows it has already been received and acts accordingly.”
Gratitude for your future bolsters your faith. It allows you to know that you’ll succeed long before you do. While experiences from their past define most people, successful people are defined by experiences in their future.
What experiences do you want to have?What events in your future do you want to see occur?
Are you living your life right now as though those experiences were going to happen?Are you living your life right now to create those experiences consciously?
Do you have faith that your dreams will come true?
If not, you won’t succeed. Your negative emotional state will stop you from achieving the things you want.
Your emotional state is fundamental to what you create in your life and future. If you’re in a place of acceptance, peace, and trust, you’ll be able to navigate the challenges you’ll face toward your dreams. Every day, experience complete gratitude for the inevitable success of your future. Here and now, act the part.
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