How Do You Know If It’s Love or Infatuation?

Sometimes, people mix up love and infatuation.
You’re probably infatuated if you’re in a new love connection, don’t know the other person well, yet think they’re great and have strong feelings for them.
You are probably in love when you have a strong sense of commitment to someone, feel at ease with them, and have reciprocal intimacy, trust, and respect.
Love vs. infatuation: what are the differences?
How do you tell if a relationship is a genuine love or a passing fling? There are several hints. Although feeling both in the same relationship is possible, you cannot be in both states simultaneously.
You are likely fascinated during the start of a relationship if you are mesmerised by the new person or think you fell in love at first sight. You know you’re enamoured when you’re enthralled by romance and the fantasy of who this individual is.
Euphoria, illogical feelings, passion, and shallowness are characteristics of infatuation. Some claim to be lovesick and experience heart palpitations one minute before becoming downcast and melancholy the next. They have little appetite or lose sleep. Due to the production of norepinephrine during infatuation, you might also experience an elevated heart rate and feel both aroused and anxious.
However, you have a new perspective on the world when you’re in love. There is a closeness and a sense of tranquilly. Both you and your partner have come to know the good and bad sides of each other.
When two people are in love, they communicate freely and show honesty, respect, affection, and loyalty to each other. You are truly in love if you have developed a strong attachment.
Interestingly, people who are in love frequently also have great friendships. According to scientific research, partners who prioritised their friendship were more affectionate, devoted, and supportive of their significant others than those who didn’t view themselves as friends.
According to study findings, valuing this aspect of a relationship’s friendship is a powerful positive predictor of love, sexual fulfilment, and romantic commitment.
What are the Signs of Love and Infatuation?
Here is a fantastic place to start if you want to tell the difference between the two emotional states. The following are indications that you are infatuated:
- You declare to your buddies that you are deeply in love
- You start to crave that person and can even develop an obsession
- Without them, you’re confused, always overthinking, and tense.
- You have bodily symptoms like a racing heart
- You imagine yourself with them in your fantasies
- You see the other person in an idealised light and think they are flawless
- You two are just acquaintances
You’ll see that each of the signs of love listed below is the exact opposite of the symptoms of infatuation described above. Typical indications of love are:
- You confess your feelings for this person to your buddies
- Your emotions gradually grow
- When they aren’t there, you feel comfortable and pleased
- Although you’re delighted to see them, you don’t experience any anxiety, agitation, or confusion
- You imagine realistic options for the future of your relationship
- You adore the individual despite their flaws and shortcomings because you have a realistic view of who they are
- You two have a close bond based on your common sensitivity, closeness, and trust.
Can Infatuation Lead to Love?
The initial phase of love could be infatuation. But that doesn’t mean everyone must go through the exhilarating infatuation phase before moving on to love. But if you’re in the infatuation stage, don’t worry. It can lead to a later, steadier, and more mature condition.
Some people enjoy experiencing the passionate high of infatuation. They get dependent on the initial stages of infatuation and exciting beginnings. Let’s be honest. You’ve started a thrilling journey when you don’t know someone yet. In the same way that narcotics may become addictive, so can love. Love addiction is a problematic modality that isn’t actually about pure love.
You must be willing to take your time and dig deeper if you want to transition from infatuation to love. You must be honest, admit your flaws, and let go of your fantasies. You might fall in love after getting to know your partner on a deeper level and letting them know who you are.
How to Maintain a Healthy Love Affair with Your Partner
Sharing your beliefs, aspirations, and ideals with your partner shows genuine love. You can count on one another in times of need and encourage one another when things are not going well. You can be committed to the relationship for the long term and feel at ease with each other.
That does not mean you are no longer enamoured with your companion. Your relationship can still be lively and spicy. There are some unexpected strategies to strengthen your relationship, such as scheduling daring dates and picking out unique events that will bring back memories of your earlier infatuations.
Investigate both physical and non-physical approaches to enhancing sexual connection. Spend more of your time on fantasy, role-playing, and sexual chemistry. You can reflect on your romantic history, including how you met and when you first sensed attraction to your spouse. Strolling down memory lane might reawaken your passion and remind you of your connection.
If you are going through a relationship issue, click for an online appointment with a therapist.