How Home Detox Helps Addicts in Denial

One of the symptoms of addiction is denial, which creates a massive barrier for treatment. The alcoholic or addict resists treatment because his or her denial tells him that his condition is not serious enough to require treatment. Denial also makes the addict believe that some outside factor is responsible for his addiction, such as an unfair boss, or nagging partner, or financial problem, so obviously, these issues need to be resolved to solve his problem. He fails to understand that these issues are arising out of his behaviours. The alcoholic blames, rationalizes, justifies and avoids all well-wishers.
In this scenario, it becomes difficult for the family and friends to convince the person to seek support and the addiction progresses, leading to further crises.
Rehabs are Scary for the Addict
When rehab is suggested to the addict, he/she rejects it. First, he doesn’t believe he needs such a place because of his denial. Secondly, considering admission to rehab is scary for several reasons: it is a strange place out of his comfort zone; he doesn’t know what procedures are expected; he will be surrounded by strangers (who he may not be able to manipulate as he’s used to doing with family). Moreover, the addict cannot imagine a life without alcohol or drugs. Unfortunately, many so-called rehabs in India are rough and tough, and he may have heard some horror stories. He is also afraid of withdrawal symptoms, which can be most uncomfortable. He’d instead continue his addictive lifestyle in a familiar place with known persons.
How Home-Based Addiction Treatment Helps
It is much easier to convince an alcoholic or addict to get treatment at home. Moreover, the environment at home is comfortable, supportive and familiar, which helps in recovery.
Some clients in rehab are mostly focused on when and how to leave the facility. They are defocused and do not participate in the therapy as required. We eliminate this with home-based addiction treatment.
Moreover, an intervention can also be arranged to break through the denial of the addict. Intervention is conducted at home by a therapist along with family. Read more
Withdrawal symptoms are sometimes painful and potentially dangerous. It is always advised that withdrawal management is supervised and monitored by a trained medical professional. Medical management of withdrawal symptoms reduces the discomfort and risk associated with withdrawals.
The Hope Home Detox Program
Home Detox involves a home visit by a medical professional who does a thorough assessment and advises tests and prescribes medication. The support persons (family) are thoroughly briefed about the medications and are responsible for dispensing these to the individual. The doctor is available 24/7 for any support during this phase. A psychiatric consultation is also scheduled via video for psychological assessment and advise.
Addiction is Relapse-prone
Detoxification is only the first step in addiction treatment. Most alcoholics and addicts tend to relapse after this process. Initial recovery brings several challenges, and the addict is vulnerable and prone to relapse. Sobriety has to be maintained by continued support. Hope Trust offers packages to help the individual through this phase by therapeutic tools that include CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy), 12 Steps facilitation, psychological and psychiatric interventions (if needed) and peer support. Our therapists also help in relapse prevention strategies and rebuilding relationships.
Addiction not only affects the individual but all the family members. The Home-based Addiction Treatment packages include support for the family so that they can initiate their process of healing.
The Hope Home-based Addiction Treatment program is a result of our unparalleled 20 years’ experience with addiction treatment and denial management. The protocols are designed in collaboration with AddictionsUK – UK’s leading home-based treatment provider.
Home visits by our doctor are available in Hyderabad city only. However, we can provide this service in your city along with your family physician.
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Hope Trust® is LICENSED under the MENTAL HEALTHCARE ACT 2017