Now! Addiction Recovery at Your Home

We go to hospitals, clinics or rehabs only if we have to. The ideal place, in terms of comfort, would be home. We are surrounded by family who can assist or comfort us. Our home has a familiar and reassuring ambience that supports our recovery from any illness. Recovery at home also means we can pursue our career or other tasks as much as possible.
Addicts Resist Rehabs
Addiction is invariably accompanied by denial. The addict believes he or she is not responsible for their addictive behaviours or that the problem is not too severe. The suggestion of admission to a rehab usually evokes strong resistance. Apart from believing that he or she doesn’t need admission, rehabs can be scary – going into a new place, surrounded by unfamiliar people, with unpredictable lifestyle. He or she has probably heard some scary stories about strong-arm tactics being used in rehabs. The addict and family may also be concerned about confidentiality while considering admission to a treatment facility. These fears delay treatment, while the addiction progresses with increasing damage to physical and psychological health, relationships, career, finances and reputation.
Based on our 20 years of experience with addiction treatment, Hope Trust now introduces a unique home-based model, designed in collaboration with UK’s leading home-based addiction treatment provider. It is an ideal alternative to rehab – the treatment is carried out at the individual’s home. It is safe, effective, convenient and confidential.
The Hope Home-Based Addiction Recovery Programs
Home Detox: For the first time in India, the home-based addiction treatment program is a result of innovation and adaptation to the new reality. Apart from being more convenient and confidential, it is safer considering the Covid-19 situation.
It consists of detox, which is the first step in any addiction treatment. Detoxification means getting rid of the accumulated toxins (alcohol or drugs) in the body. Withdrawal symptoms usually accompany detox. The severity of withdrawal symptoms varies, depending on the duration, quantity, type, pattern and physical condition of the addict or alcoholic. The symptoms are uncomfortable and may lead to medical complications. That’s why it is always recommended that detox is medically supervised – like in rehab or hospital.
Hope Trust offers detox at home, with all safety measures in place. Our doctor visits your home and conducts a comprehensive medical assessment and briefs the individual and family about the treatment process and goals. The medical professional may suggest a few diagnostic tests and prescribes medication to minimize the withdrawal symptoms. After that, an online counselling session is scheduled with a psychiatrist who will assess and advise about the psychological aspect of treatment.
This package is for 7 days, during which the doctor is available 24/7 for any consultations.
Recovery Packages: Since addiction is a chronic disease (DSM5), it is highly relapse-prone. Detox is only the first step. If not followed up with a recovery plan, the individual almost invariably relapses. Addiction recovery is a process, not an event. That’s why continued support by a professional counsellor is essential to maximize the chances of sustained recovery. Customized Relapse Prevention strategies are drawn up for the client, so that he or she can healthily address the relapse triggers, without resorting to alcohol or drugs.
The support provided by Hope Trust is delivered by trained and experienced addiction counsellors, clinical psychologists and psychiatrists. It includes 12 Steps facilitation, individual counselling, clinical assessments and medical advice.
Addiction not only affects the individual but impacts all those around him or her. The Hope Family Support Program consists of support for the family so that they can also initiate a process of healing for themselves. Intervention and group sessions with family members for re-building broken relationships are also included.
Detox package is for 7 days. The Recovery Packages are available for 30 or 60 days duration. For more details, click here or email us: