We Know Inside of Us: Good vs. Bad, Right vs. Wrong

God made the universe in a way that didn’t keep things secret. Everything is in or out of harmony with natural law’s principles, rules, and values.
For example, inside a fish, he wrote a blueprint. Every fish knows how to be a good fish. The fish will not try to fly or wish it could be like a deer. A fish will do things that fish do. Inside every bear is something that tells it how to lick her cub, how to handle it, and other information about being a good bear. The tree has all the data it needs to be a good tree. They know how to be trees naturally.
Our innate knowledge already exists
Inside every human being is the innate knowledge of your well-being—knowledge of how to be a well-human being. You inherently know what to do. The only thing remaining is choice.
Inside every young girl or boy is an innate knowledge of their well-being. That’s where conscience comes from—knowing right from wrong. Who are you arguing with if you are about to do something you know is not correct? What generates that little voice? There is an innate knowledge of our well-being that is very powerful.
Our past rules our present
Let’s take a look at how we are conditioned. Ninety-five per cent of all self-talk is about something other than what’s happening. It’s about the past. We are constantly referring back to our life story. No one is paying attention to what is going on now.
We prefer to go back and dig up our life history, applying our life history to current moments. Ninety-five per cent of our thoughts are based on past and previously recorded information. They need to be more focused on what is going on now. Ninety-five per cent of normal conversation needs more awareness of the present. It’s all about the past. Some of the past we refer to is the angry past, and some isthe fearful past.
But the opportunity is glaring right in front of you. You have the potential and the ability to be in harmony with God’s will. When you look inside yourself, you will start to discover the truth.
Here is a little exercise you can try right now. Point it at yourself. Just hold up your finger and point to yourself. Where did you point? You may notice that you meant your heart area. You probably didn’t point to your head, arm, or leg. Why? Because that’s where it’s written. People know where they are.
We know – inside
Inside every human being is an innate knowledge of their well-being. There is knowledge of a natural order that aligns with this innate knowledge. How does it work? If our lives are unmanageable, we know it because we are looking at the results we are getting. But you took some action that led to those outcomes.
A certain number of thoughts had to come together to produce those actions very precisely. You can’t keep thinking what you are thinking and doing what you are doing and expect different results.
Thinking comes from within, but the human being is motivated by the will. They have to be willing to change or not to change. But where does the will come from? It comes from the spirit and intent.
Culture influences our character
The spirit and intent are the cultures. For example, our cultures include principles, laws, and values like trust, respect, honesty, commitment, and other positive values. If you want to be like the values contained in the spirit of our cultures, then your thinking and actions will change, and the results of your lives will vary. As you change your thinking, a cocoon of safety, well-being, and protection surrounds you.
A second natural order in this path of events is this: thinking creates actions, repeated actions form habits, habits build character, and character gives you the direction in which life takes you.
The natural order
Natural law established this natural order, and the natural law itself determines the consequences. So, for example, if you lie, you will experience the results. If you tell the truth, you will experience the consequences.
If somebody tells me the truth, I develop high trust in that person; that’s the consequence. The consequence of this fact in a relationship is increased trust. But if someone lies a lot, I develop mistrust for them. We begin to align with this natural order of being as we start living with our innate knowledge.
We talk about innate knowledge because sometimes pointing out the existence of something to a person, even if they are not ready to go there, is a statement of hope. By talking about this, you’ll know there is a place to go when you are ready. It’s never too early to be told. It’s like you are planting a seed.
There is so much hope in all this. Maybe it’s not easy, but there is hope to help marginalized communities, poor and homeless people, and even street dogs—all the people and creatures of planet Earth.
You don’t have to be a 12-step person to recover from alcohol or drugs. All you have to do is look through the peephole into yourself—look into that peephole of hope!
If you or a loved one is struggling with an emotional, relationship, or psychological issue, click www.hopetrustindia for an online or in-clinic appointment with a therapist.