What does it mean to find out who you are?

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom”, wrote the Greek philosopher Aristotle.

The process of discovering oneself is very personal and inward-looking. It helps you learn more about who you are as a person. It means looking into your identity, values, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, strengths, and weaknesses. Getting to know yourself can last a lifetime and include many different experiences and thoughts.

Here are some essential parts of finding out who you are:

Self-awareness: The first step in discovering yourself is to become more aware of your feelings, thoughts, and actions. It means being aware of your inner thoughts and feelings, knowing what drives you and how you react to different situations. As J.R.R Tolkien wrote: “The greatest adventure is what lies ahead.”

Thinking about experiences: To learn more about who you are, you must think about and learn from your past experiences. To do this, you must think about good and bad experiences and determine how they have changed you.

Values and beliefs: To determine what’s essential, consider your core values and beliefs. This process can help you make decisions that align with your values and live more honestly.

Finding your strengths and weaknesses: Part of self-discovery is figuring out your strengths and weaknesses. Knowing what you’re good at can make you feel better about your self-esteem, and being aware of your weaknesses can help you improve yourself.

Setting goals and aspirations: Writing down your goals, dreams, and aspirations is part of getting to know yourself. It can help you feel like your life has a purpose and direction if you know what you want to achieve.

Accepting your identity: As part of this process, you should also know what your personal, cultural, and social identities are. It could mean looking into your identity, like your gender, sexuality, race, and more.

Seeking feedback and direction: Sometimes, figuring out who you are can be challenging. Input from trusted friends, family, or a therapist can help you learn new things.

Accepting change: Learning more about yourself can lead to growth and change. Being willing to change as you learn more about your values and who you are is essential.

Finding authenticity: In the end, self-discovery is about living in a way that is true to who you are and making decisions that align with your values and beliefs.

Remember that self-discovery is an ongoing process, and it’s normal for people to grow and change as they go through life. What you learn about yourself might change as you have new experiences and learn new things. Accepting this journey can help you feel more fulfilled and help you grow as a person.

How can a therapist help you learn more about yourself?

It’s not just persons having problems who speak with therapists. A therapist can be an excellent sounding board for your inner thoughts and answer your questions about you and your life.

A therapist is an important person who can help you on your journey of self-discovery. Therapists are trained professionals who can help you explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences by giving you advice, support, and a safe space to do so.

A therapist can help you find out more about yourself in the following ways:

Making a safe and non-judgmental space: Therapists create a private and understanding space where you can be honest without worrying about judgment. This safe space makes it easier to learn about yourself and share your feelings and thoughts.

Facilitating self-reflection:Therapists can help you think about your thoughts, behaviours, and feelings by asking thought-provoking questions. This process teaches you more about what drives you and how you act in certain situations.

Patterns and triggers: Therapists help you figure out patterns in your life that keep happening, like relationship problems or behaviours that hurt you. You can work on making positive changes once you know these patterns and what makes them happen.

Exploring past experiences: Counsellors help you think about things that happened in the past, like childhood memories and important events in your life. This can help you find unresolved problems, traumas, or beliefs affecting your actions and thoughts.

Making values and goals clear: Therapists help you make your values and goals clear by showing you what’s important to you and what you want to achieve. This process can help you make choices and decisions in your life.

Building self-awareness: Your therapist can teach you mindfulness and self-awareness techniques to help you connect more with your feelings, thoughts, and physical sensations. A big part of self-discovery is becoming more aware of yourself.

Giving feedback and a different point of view: Therapists look at your problems and experiences from a professional and objective point of view. They can provide new ideas, feedback, and insights you might not have considered before.

Supporting personal growth and change:Therapists work with you to set and reach personal growth goals, which helps with personal growth and change. They help you deal with change and overcome t problems by giving you strategies, tools, and ways to cope.

Developing coping skills: Therapists help you learn healthy ways to deal with stress, anxiety, and emotional problems that may come up during the process of self-discovery.

Providing validation: As you learn more about yourself, you may sometimes doubt or question your abilities. Counsellors help you feel good about yourself and accept yourself by validating and encouraging you.

Therapy is very individualised. How a therapist helps you discover more about yourself depends on your needs and goals. The therapeutic relationship is based on trust, respect, and working together, which lets you get to know yourself better and make positive changes.Now, therapy is available online so you can start your journey of selfdiscovery from the comfort of your home, or while you are on a holiday.

As Oprah Winfrey said, “The self-discovery journey is not about becoming someone new but about uncovering the true essence of who you are.”

Click www.hopetrustindia.com for an online appointment with a therapist.