Now!! Addiction Treatment Starts at Your Home!
Hope Trust offers Intervention Services to help you get the help your loved one needs – right at your doorstep!
An intervention can motivate your loved one to get help for alcohol or drug misuse, gambling or other addictive behaviours.
An intervention can persuade the person to seek or accept professional help before things get worse.
Why intervention?
Denial is usually a part of addiction – the affected person cannot see the damages caused by their addictive behaviours—to themselves or others—and believes they can control the habit on their own.
Sometimes a direct, heart-to-heart conversation can start the addict on the road to recovery. But most often, the task is far more challenging. A more focused approach is often needed. You should work with others and use a formal intervention to take action. The process of intervention involves:
- breaking the self-defence mechanisms of the addict
- facing reality, and
- realising the need to change by getting external help
Intervention may be required for alcoholism, drug abuse, gambling, or internet addiction.
What is an intervention?
An intervention is a carefully planned process that may be done by family and friends in consultation with a professional (interventionist) such as an alcohol and drug counsellor. It could also include people who care about the person with an addiction, like a best friend or an understanding boss.
During the intervention, these people get together to talk to their loved ones about how their addiction is hurting them and ask them to get help. The intervention:
- provides specific examples of destructive behaviours and their impact on your loved one and the family
- offers a prearranged treatment plan with clear steps, goals and guidelines
- spells out what each person will do if your loved one refuses to accept treatment.
How does a typical intervention work?
An intervention usually includes the following steps:
- Making a strategy. The family consults the Hope Team and plans the intervention with the professionals, which may consist of an addiction counsellor/s, psychologist, or psychiatrist. The addiction professional will consider your loved one’s particular circumstances, such as cultural and social context, personality and personal history, and suggest the best approach for the intervention.
- Gathering information. The Hope Team gathers background information about the affected person’s behaviours and family dynamics and proposes the appropriate treatment programs (outpatient/ residential options). Previous medical records may also be reviewed by the professional.
- Forming the intervention team. The members of the team who will personally participate in the intervention will be identified. A date, time and location are set. Team members discuss and evolve a consistent, rehearsed and structured strategy. Team members should keep the discussion focused on the facts of the problem and shared solutions rather than prolonged, strong emotional responses. Not letting the affected person know about the planned intervention is essential.
- Deciding on specific consequences. Each member of the team then decides on what action they will take if the loved one does not accept to take treatment. For example, the wife may choose to leave, or the parents may ask the person to move out. Of course, the consequences will depend on individual cases.
- Make notes on what to say. Facts are an essential element in an intervention. Each team member describes specific incidents and their emotional and financial impact on all those involved. The addict cannot argue on facts or your emotional response. For example: “I was hurt when you drunk and fell down in front of the children.” The team member can make notes and discuss them with the interventionist and other members.
- Holding the intervention meeting. The affected person is asked to come to the intervention site without revealing the reason. All team members are present and begin to express their concerns individually. Your loved one is given a treatment option that has already been researched. They are asked to accept the treatment option there and then without procrastination. Each team member will specify what specific changes they will make if your loved one doesn’t accept the plan. The team members must only threaten consequences if they’re ready to follow through.
- Act fast. if the intervention is successful and your loved one is convinced that they need treatment – act fast! Remember, the addict may be highly manipulative or change their mind soon.
Who should be on the intervention team?
An intervention team usually includes four to six people who are essential in the life of your loved one—people they love, like, respect, or depend on. This may include a best friend, adult relatives or an empathetic employer. The Hope Trust intervention professional can help you identify the most appropriate members of your team.
You might think it’s essential to have someone involved but worry that the individual may jeopardise the intervention (such as an overly affectionate member who cannot be strong). In that case, you can ask that person to write a short letter that someone else can read at the intervention.
Tips on conducting an effective intervention
Addiction involves intense emotions. Organising an intervention can trigger conflict, anger, and resentment, even among family members. Some family members may continue to hold on to old ideas that have not worked, such as “let’s give him one more chance.”
Here are a few tips on running a successful intervention:
- Don’t make an impulsive decision. It can take several days or weeks to plan an effective intervention. However, keep it flexible because things can change suddenly.
- Plan the time of the intervention. Make sure you choose a date and time when your loved one will most likely be sober.
- Do your homework. Research your loved one’s addiction and behaviour well. Also, understand the basics of addiction and the treatment process – your Hope Trust professional will help you.
- Appoint a single person as a liaison. Having one person to coordinate and communicate will help keep things on track.
- Share information. It is essential to be on the same page while holding the intervention. Share all information and strategies so that the team appears united. If the addict senses fissures, they will drive a wedge and dislodge the team’s unity.
- Rehearse the intervention. Decide on all details, such as who will speak when and sitting arrangements, so there is no fumbling or hesitation during the intervention.
- Anticipate your loved one’s counters.Be calm and rational while responding to the addict’s objections. The person will avoid taking responsibility for their behaviour and may indulge in blaming and justifying. Offer solutions to their complaints, such as taking care of their children or filing tax returns while in rehab.
- Avoid getting angry. Do not confront or be hostile. Deal with love, respect, support, and concern — not anger. Be truthful, and do not abuse or take potshots during the intervention.
- Stay on track during the intervention. The addict may try to derail the intervention by resorting to accusations, angry outbursts, or expressing deep hurt. Remain calm and stick to your points.
- Ask for an immediate decision. Don’t give time to your loved one to “think it over.” Ask the addict to accept the treatment offer straight away. Make sure you have everything ready to take the addict to a treatment facility.
What if your loved one refuses help?
Sometimes, interventions are not successful. Your loved one may reject the treatment plan by becoming enraged and accusing you of being the source of their problems, failing to understand, or acting hypocritically. The person may even suggest an alternative (like going to an ashram for an alternative recovery method). Your loved one might also plead to be given another chance.
Be prepared for such an outcome by remaining hopeful. However, it is time to implement the changes you threatened your loved one with. Follow through with the changes you stated. Don’t be like the addict – promising but not doing. Let them know you mean what you say.
Even if you cannot bring about a change in your loved one who is addicted, you can bring some positive change in yourself. Addiction takes a heavy toll on all persons close to the addict. Start your own journey of healing. Your Hope Trust counsellor can help you with this too.
Hope Trust has been facilitating interventions for over two decades. The therapy team includes addiction counsellors, clinical psychologists, physicians, and psychiatrists.
We now bring this service to your home because it is often challenging to get the addict to the treatment facility.